I did it!

Friday was my last day!   The weeks flew by so fast and I was as busy as ever until the very end.  Even woke up in a panic Thursday night thinking about something I didn’t finish that day.  Crazy, right?

Friday at 1, I turned in my work computer and with it all the unread emails and unanswered questions.  Whatever was done was done and anything else will get wiped from the PC!  I immediately started to feel a little lighter as I spent the next hour and a half walking around saying goodbye, collecting hugs and well-wishes.  I finally grabbed by backpack that was stuffed with the remaining contents of my desk and made a run for it… forgetting my desk lamp in the process.  Someone will help me collect that later :).

It was a very interesting last few weeks as folks learned of my plans.  Reactions fell in different categories…

  • happy – most people are genuinely happy for me
  • jealous – people saying they wish they could do what I’m doing – I know I am lucky to be in a financial position to do this as well as to have the faith in myself that it is all going turn out for the best
  • scared – what will we do without you? won’t you stay a little longer?  No…
  • dubious- what are you going to do? fine question, but some people had lots of follow up questions like I needed to know all the answers right now.  I don’t need to have that answer right now! Remind me of that when I start doubting myself!
  • inspired – A few people thinking a bit more seriously about their own choices and options.  How fun!
  • insane – ‘I hope you have a husband to help you with this’.  <sigh> I guess I need a man to help me in 2018 (OK, only one person said this, but it was one too many!)

After all that, this has been a pretty normal weekend.  It will all start to sink in when I can meet Kate for coffee Monday morning, go to lunch with Sandy and still get the boys to their dentist appointment.  I promise, I will find some more exciting things to do before the Summer is over, but even a simple day like this is a luxury to me.

Let the Radical Sabbatical begin!

2 Replies to “I did it!”

  1. Congratulations! No, you do not have to know the answers to all (or any) questions. The whole point is to go looking for them, right? P.S. I would have slugged anyone who implied a man was necessary for this journey — seriously?!? A capable, intelligent, brave, independent woman is not a mythological creature! You’re the real thing. 🙂

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